Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet
Size:Deluxe - 18 Roses
Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet
Enjoy the classic beauty of the rose with a playful twist in our Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet. This arrangement features all pink roses that will look especially pretty in the hands of those you cherish most.
- The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 23"H x 19"W.
- A bouquet of 18 roses and foliage.
- Designed by florists, ready to display.
- For long–lasting blooms, replace the water daily. We suggest trimming the stems every couple days.
Bloom Details
- Rose
This item will be delivered by a local florist, and delivery charges start as low as $19.99. We provide a 7-day fresh flower guarantee. See
To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement which could differ in color and variety. See
ITEM: #E5440D
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